On Friday, we made Marshmallow snowman to celebrate the upcoming winter break! Everyone did a great job!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Marshmallow Snowman!!
On Friday, we made Marshmallow snowman to celebrate the upcoming winter break! Everyone did a great job!
Friday, December 16, 2011
January 3rd-6th
As 2011 draws to a close, I know that we are looking forward to all that 2012 will bring. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday break and Happy New Year!
When we return from break, we will be beginning our mini-book and novel units in reading. Each week, we will focus on a specific reading skill (similar to what we have always been doing) but additionally apply them to the books we are reading.
On Thursday, January 5th, we will be having an assembly on Martin Luther King. We will spend the week learning about Martin Luther King's life and his impact on our lives today.
Finally, in math, we will review addition and subtraction word problems throughout the entire week.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday break and happy new year! See you next year! :)
When we return from break, we will be beginning our mini-book and novel units in reading. Each week, we will focus on a specific reading skill (similar to what we have always been doing) but additionally apply them to the books we are reading.
On Thursday, January 5th, we will be having an assembly on Martin Luther King. We will spend the week learning about Martin Luther King's life and his impact on our lives today.
Finally, in math, we will review addition and subtraction word problems throughout the entire week.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday break and happy new year! See you next year! :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 12- December 16th
It seems like December just began and we are already entering into our last week before Winter Break! Time is just flying by!!
Next week, we will be using various holiday stories to practice our reading strategy of the week, 'Who and What?' In math, we are continuing to work on addition and subtration at varying levels and we will finish the week with a holiday math activity. In Social Studies, we will be learning about the continents of Antartica and Australia. Since we have spent more time on the continents than I had originally planned, the culminating continent project will be completed after break.
We will be going over to Lakeview to visit with our Pen Pals on Wednesday and will be completing a holiday craft with them!
We also are all looking forward to watching our holiday movies on Friday. Fourth grade will be watching Happy Feet and fifth graders will have the option to choose their favorite movie to watch (Home Alone, Despicable Me, Muppet Christmas, or The Santa Claus).
Have a wonderful week!!!
Next week, we will be using various holiday stories to practice our reading strategy of the week, 'Who and What?' In math, we are continuing to work on addition and subtration at varying levels and we will finish the week with a holiday math activity. In Social Studies, we will be learning about the continents of Antartica and Australia. Since we have spent more time on the continents than I had originally planned, the culminating continent project will be completed after break.
We will be going over to Lakeview to visit with our Pen Pals on Wednesday and will be completing a holiday craft with them!
We also are all looking forward to watching our holiday movies on Friday. Fourth grade will be watching Happy Feet and fifth graders will have the option to choose their favorite movie to watch (Home Alone, Despicable Me, Muppet Christmas, or The Santa Claus).
Have a wonderful week!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December 5th -December 9th
It was wonderful meeting and speaking with all of you at Parent Teacher Conferences this week! I am looking forward to another great trimester!
In reading next week, we will practice making predictions. We will be writing our own stories, as well as, reading several published stories to demonstrate our knowledge of this strategy.
In Social Studies, we have offically begun our continents unit! So far we have learned a "Continents Song" to help us memorize the names of the seven continents and learned about North America. Next week, we will be exploring South America and Africa with a short quiz at the end of the week.
Finally, our new Reader's Theater play for the week is "What a Skunk Needs to Do." This play combines humor, rhyme, and fact to create a very funny and enjoyable play to perform!
**Dates to Remember**
- Bowling fieldtrip : Friday, December 9th :)
Have a wonderful extended weekend!
In reading next week, we will practice making predictions. We will be writing our own stories, as well as, reading several published stories to demonstrate our knowledge of this strategy.
In Social Studies, we have offically begun our continents unit! So far we have learned a "Continents Song" to help us memorize the names of the seven continents and learned about North America. Next week, we will be exploring South America and Africa with a short quiz at the end of the week.
Finally, our new Reader's Theater play for the week is "What a Skunk Needs to Do." This play combines humor, rhyme, and fact to create a very funny and enjoyable play to perform!
**Dates to Remember**
- Bowling fieldtrip : Friday, December 9th :)
Have a wonderful extended weekend!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thanksgiving Week
On Friday we said goodbye to Mrs. Philbin and took some time to thank her for all that she has done to help us this year! She will be greatly missed within our classroom! On a happier note, we are looking forward to welcoming Mrs. Micek back on Monday!
For Monday and Tuesday of this week, our main focus will be on Cause and Effect. This concept will not only be practiced in reading, but Science, as well. We will wrap up our seed experiment on Tuesday and check our hypothesis that we made when we first planted our seeds. In math, we will working on some Thanksgiving math problems.
Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Break!
*5th Grade Fieldtrip to Robert Crown: Tuesday, November 22nd
*Thanksgiving Break: No school Wednesday, November 23-Friday, November 25th
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November 14-18th
We are definitely going to have a busy week here next week!
This week in reading, we are going to be practicing comparing and contrasting. We will be reading the story "Waves for You", which compares wave pools to the ocean, along with several other mini-stories.
In math, we are continuing to work with addition, varying between repeated addition and double to triple digit addition. By the end of the week, some of us will be beginning subtraction with borrowing.
On Monday and Tuesday in Social Studies, we will be on the computer researching our landforms. For the remainder of the week, we will be using our class time to put together our models. I cannot wait to see the final products!!
In Science, we will be monitoring and recording any activity/growth with our radish seeds. Hopefully we will be seeing a bud before the end of the week!
In writing, we will continue to write in our Writer's Notebooks daily, as well as, write a response to the letters we receive from our buddies. We did all have a lot of fun today meeting our pen pals for the first time today! The students interviewed each other and even got a tour of Lakeview!
Enjoy your extra long weekend!
Friday, November 4, 2011
November 7-11th
I hope that everyone has recovered from all of the Halloween fun earlier this week. It is hard to believe that we are in November already!!!
In reading, our new skill of the week is sequencing! Along with our daily reading packet and materials, we will be working together to put "clues" in order to help us solve a few mysteries within our classroom.
We will continue to work on addition next week in math, but also integrate place value into our lessons to enhance our understanding of number sense.
In Social Studies, we will explore a few more states in detail and end the week learning about the two countries that neighbor the U.S.
Also, our spelling lists next week will only be six words due to the shortened week!
Have a great weekend!!
Dates to Remember:
Rollerskating Party- Monday, November 7th- After School
Friday, November 11th: Veteran's Day- NO SCHOOL
Friday, October 28, 2011
October 31-November 4th
After a very fun and exciting day, we are all looking forward to a fun Halloween weekend!
For next week, we will be switching to a new reading strategy: Who and What? This helps us to identify the main character in a story and tell what happens to them. We will be reading several stories and continue to complete our daily comprehension activities, too.
In math, we are also continuing to work on single and double digit addition with and without number lines.
The Social Studies state projects went out earlier this week and the students have been coming in each day to show us their progress! It is great to see such excitement learning about the United States. We will cover more details about the United States and will end the week discussing the land forms.
Finally, our Reader's Theater play for next week is "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."
I will be posting Halloween pictures soon!
Have a safe and fun Halloween weekend!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Reader's Theater 10/21
Friday, October 21, 2011
October 24th-28th
I hope that everyone had a great week despite the chilly and rainy weather we had!
We had a great end to our week watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid to follow up on our read aloud. I will be posting pictures of the performance this weekend.
Our target reading strategy of the week will be Finding the Main Idea. We will be using several stories (both fiction and nonfiction) to develop this and the students will have homework each night, as well, to further practice locating the main idea in stories.
In math, we are continuing to work on addition and subtraction word problems, focusing on locating the "key" words that tell us the correct operation to use.
In Social Studies, we will be finishing up our Illinois unit and beginning our independent state projects.
Have a great weekend!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Picture Info
Just FYI...
*Picture packets should arrive tomorrow, October 18th.
*Picture retakes will be on Thursday, November 3rd!
Friday, October 14, 2011
October 17th-21st
I hope that everyone had a great week and enjoyed the wonderful weather that we had earlier this week!
Our reader's theater play next week will be "Big Mose," which is the story of a New York City firefighter who lived over 150 years ago. We will be needing a few props (firefighter hats, etc.), so we will be making a list after our first read-through on Monday.
In reading, our skill of the week is Making Predictions. Throughout the week we will be using several books, activities, and passages to practice making predictions and giving reasons/evidence to support our predictions.
In math, we will be practicing our addition and subtraction skills at a more difficult level. We will also spend most of the week recognizing key words that help us determine if a word problem is addition or subtraction.
In Social Studies, we have begun learning about the United States. Our initial focus will be on Illinois. At the end of the next week, students will be choosing a state to write a short report about independently. They will have one week to complete this. In class, we will be completing one of these same reports on Illinois together so the students will have a model to use for their own state reports. More information will be coming home later next week.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Week of October 10-14th
With Columbus Day and a Teacher Institute starting off our next week, I'm sure that Wednesday-Friday will go by quickly!
In reading, we will be using our Readers' Theater play for the week, The Three Pigs, to practice checking for understanding and reading with fluency. On Thursday, we will read another version of this story, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, which is told from the wolf's perspective. Using these two texts, we will practice using a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast them. On Friday, as a fun activity, we will view the video of The Three Little Pigs and compare/contrast them, too.
In math, we are moving along with money and practicing writing amounts of money in different forms (using words, the cents sign, and the dollar sign). We will also continue to add various amounts of change.
In Social Studies we will be starting our Presidental Unit and discuss presidental history, as well as the design and purpose of our government.
Please be sure to check your student's reading log every night to ensure that they are keeping up with their reading.
Have a great extended weekend!
In reading, we will be using our Readers' Theater play for the week, The Three Pigs, to practice checking for understanding and reading with fluency. On Thursday, we will read another version of this story, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, which is told from the wolf's perspective. Using these two texts, we will practice using a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast them. On Friday, as a fun activity, we will view the video of The Three Little Pigs and compare/contrast them, too.
In math, we are moving along with money and practicing writing amounts of money in different forms (using words, the cents sign, and the dollar sign). We will also continue to add various amounts of change.
In Social Studies we will be starting our Presidental Unit and discuss presidental history, as well as the design and purpose of our government.
Please be sure to check your student's reading log every night to ensure that they are keeping up with their reading.
Have a great extended weekend!
Monday, October 3, 2011
October 3-7th
We have another busy week planned in Room 216!
*Reading: Our focus skill in reading this week is identifying and discussing reality vs. fantasy. We will read short passages each day and practice this skill. Our reading groups will be divided between learning/practicing word families and reading the story "Nights of the Pufflings" by Bruce McMillan.
*Math: In math, we are continuing to practice counting money. Later in the week, we will be adding quarters into our addition problems with pennies, dimes, and nickels.
*Readers Theater: The Readers' Theater play for the week is "The Little Red Hen." We did our first read through this morning and the students are all very excited about their new parts!
*Science/Social Studies: In Science, we are finishing up the body unit early this week and will begin a Presidential unit in Social Studies on Wednesday.
Dates to Remember:
-Monday, October 10th: Columbus Day, No School
-Tuesday, October 11th: Teacher Institute, No School
Have a great week!
*Reading: Our focus skill in reading this week is identifying and discussing reality vs. fantasy. We will read short passages each day and practice this skill. Our reading groups will be divided between learning/practicing word families and reading the story "Nights of the Pufflings" by Bruce McMillan.
*Math: In math, we are continuing to practice counting money. Later in the week, we will be adding quarters into our addition problems with pennies, dimes, and nickels.
*Readers Theater: The Readers' Theater play for the week is "The Little Red Hen." We did our first read through this morning and the students are all very excited about their new parts!
*Science/Social Studies: In Science, we are finishing up the body unit early this week and will begin a Presidential unit in Social Studies on Wednesday.
Dates to Remember:
-Monday, October 10th: Columbus Day, No School
-Tuesday, October 11th: Teacher Institute, No School
Have a great week!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Week of 9/26-9/30
I hope that everyone has had a great start to the school year and want to say that you to Mrs. Donar and Mrs. Philbin for all of their help over these past four weeks! I am so happy to see the progress that the students have made in the short time that I was gone. The students and staff here at Prairieview have been very welcoming and I am looking forward to this school year!
Here is a quick overview of our upcoming week!
I am very excited to share that in writing, we are beginning our very own Writer's Notebooks! The students were given their notebooks on Friday and were very motivated to write in them for the first time! We will be writing in our notebooks every day here at school. The students have the freedom to chose their topic and need to follow only one rule for this alloted time: Write (and/or draw if needed) until the timer goes off! Each week, the students will be learning and using a new writing strategy. The goal of writer's notebook is to develop independent writing skills and encourage students to write often. You will see these notebooks coming home at least two times a week, as students will be required to write entries at home.
This week in math, we are continuing to focus on identifying and adding coins. Students will be using mimio activities, manipulatives, and computer games to develop these skills.
Over the previous week, students began learning about the major bones in our body and will continue to learn about the five senses and body systems this week. Each student has created "shadows" of themselves and have labeled and illustrated them as we have learned new things!
Our reading story this week is "The Keeping Quilt" by Patricia Polacco, which tells of one family's tradition. Students will have a short quiz on Friday over the reading as well as create a family tree during this week.
Important dates to remember:
-Magazine turn in: Tuesday 9/27
-Picture day: Thursday 9/29
Have a wonderful week and feel free to contact me with any comments/questions/concerns! :)
Here is a quick overview of our upcoming week!
I am very excited to share that in writing, we are beginning our very own Writer's Notebooks! The students were given their notebooks on Friday and were very motivated to write in them for the first time! We will be writing in our notebooks every day here at school. The students have the freedom to chose their topic and need to follow only one rule for this alloted time: Write (and/or draw if needed) until the timer goes off! Each week, the students will be learning and using a new writing strategy. The goal of writer's notebook is to develop independent writing skills and encourage students to write often. You will see these notebooks coming home at least two times a week, as students will be required to write entries at home.
This week in math, we are continuing to focus on identifying and adding coins. Students will be using mimio activities, manipulatives, and computer games to develop these skills.
Over the previous week, students began learning about the major bones in our body and will continue to learn about the five senses and body systems this week. Each student has created "shadows" of themselves and have labeled and illustrated them as we have learned new things!
Our reading story this week is "The Keeping Quilt" by Patricia Polacco, which tells of one family's tradition. Students will have a short quiz on Friday over the reading as well as create a family tree during this week.
Important dates to remember:
-Magazine turn in: Tuesday 9/27
-Picture day: Thursday 9/29
Have a wonderful week and feel free to contact me with any comments/questions/concerns! :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Baby News!
Hi! I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer.
I just wanted to introduce you to our new daughter, Natalie Marie. She was born on July 12th weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. and was 19.5 inches long!
I look forward to seeing all of you next month! Enjoy the rest of your break!
Monday, June 6, 2011
End of the School Year
As we finish up our final days of the school year, I want to wish everyone a happy and safe summer!
Enjoy your time off!
Enjoy your time off!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Memorial Day!
It is hard to believe that we are approaching our final official week of school! With 8th grade graduation on Thursday and WOW day on Friday, it will be a busy week!
In 7th grade Language Arts and Reading, we will be sharing our Radio shows on Monday! I am very excited to see the final products with all of the hard work that the students have been putting forth. Our classes will also be finishing up our Ray Bradbury story unit and reading "There Will Be Soft Rains."
In 2nd and 7th Period reading, we will read and perform two Reader's Theater plays, "The Millionaire Miser" and "The Borrower and the Boy".
For more information about the upcoming week, please see Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Mastny's blogs.
*****Don't forget to bring in your WOW day supplies on Tuesday!!!!!*****
Enjoy your three day weekend!!!
In 7th grade Language Arts and Reading, we will be sharing our Radio shows on Monday! I am very excited to see the final products with all of the hard work that the students have been putting forth. Our classes will also be finishing up our Ray Bradbury story unit and reading "There Will Be Soft Rains."
In 2nd and 7th Period reading, we will read and perform two Reader's Theater plays, "The Millionaire Miser" and "The Borrower and the Boy".
For more information about the upcoming week, please see Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Mastny's blogs.
*****Don't forget to bring in your WOW day supplies on Tuesday!!!!!*****
Enjoy your three day weekend!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Career Fair!
I want to take a minute to thank all parents, family, and friends who volunteered their time this morning for our 7th grade career fair. The students greatly enjoyed all presentations and were very excited to share their experiences!
Looking forward to next week, we will be reading the works of Edgar Allen Poe including the short story "The Fall of the House of Usher" and poem "The Haunted House." Our skill focus will be on pulling out story elements and discussing their importance in the text. We will conclude the week by writing our own "scary stories" following Poe's example.
In 3rd period reading, we will finish reading Pacific Crossing and write a final journal assessment on Friday.
In 7th grade language arts, we will be reading, listening to, and creating our own radio shows. Throughout the weeks, students will be allowed to work in groups to prepare a radio show to share with the class.
In 7th grade reading, we will meet with Miss Hagensee to discuss the summer reading lists and continue reading the works of Ray Bradbury.
In 8th grade math, we will be finishing up Chapter 12 and will have a final in-class assessment on Wednesday.
For additional information and assignment rubrics, please see Mrs. Mastny and Mrs. Myer's blogs.
Have a great weekend!
Looking forward to next week, we will be reading the works of Edgar Allen Poe including the short story "The Fall of the House of Usher" and poem "The Haunted House." Our skill focus will be on pulling out story elements and discussing their importance in the text. We will conclude the week by writing our own "scary stories" following Poe's example.
In 3rd period reading, we will finish reading Pacific Crossing and write a final journal assessment on Friday.
In 7th grade language arts, we will be reading, listening to, and creating our own radio shows. Throughout the weeks, students will be allowed to work in groups to prepare a radio show to share with the class.
In 7th grade reading, we will meet with Miss Hagensee to discuss the summer reading lists and continue reading the works of Ray Bradbury.
In 8th grade math, we will be finishing up Chapter 12 and will have a final in-class assessment on Wednesday.
For additional information and assignment rubrics, please see Mrs. Mastny and Mrs. Myer's blogs.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Spring Fever
With warm weather predicted for the week ahead, the feeling of spring is finally here!
As we move into next week, we will begin to explore new topics in each of our classes.
-In 2nd period Reading, we will be discussing sequencing of events. The three articles, which all focus on natural disasters, we will read, discuss, and analyze are "Struck by Lightning", "A Mountain on Fire", and "Hurricanes: The Monster Storms".
-In 3rd period reading, we will begin our final novel of the year, "Pacific Crossing." This book is the sequel to "Taking Sides," which you all enjoyed reading. In this novel, Lincoln and Tony reunite and live/go to school in Japan as foreign exchange students. We will spend most of this week introducing the book and reading the first few chapters.
- In 7th grade Language Arts with Mrs. Mastny, we will be writing our district assessment and finish the week learning about and creating our own comic strips. The rubric can be found on Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Mastny's blogs.
-In 7th grade Reading, we will finish reading "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie" and write a graded journal response as the final assessment for the novel.
-In 8th grade math, we are moving on to fractions with a Quest over this on Wednesday and begin chapter 12 on Thursday.
- Finally, in 7th grade RtI Reading, we will be focusing on Finding the Main Idea and Supporting Details. We will use the articles "School Before Soccer", "Fitting In", and "A New Immigration Boom" to help us strengthen our Main Idea skills. Each of these articles are related to the general topic of Immigration (since you are currently learning about this in Social Studies :))
Enjoy your weekend! (And be sure to say thank you to your mom's on Sunday! :))
As we move into next week, we will begin to explore new topics in each of our classes.
-In 2nd period Reading, we will be discussing sequencing of events. The three articles, which all focus on natural disasters, we will read, discuss, and analyze are "Struck by Lightning", "A Mountain on Fire", and "Hurricanes: The Monster Storms".
-In 3rd period reading, we will begin our final novel of the year, "Pacific Crossing." This book is the sequel to "Taking Sides," which you all enjoyed reading. In this novel, Lincoln and Tony reunite and live/go to school in Japan as foreign exchange students. We will spend most of this week introducing the book and reading the first few chapters.
- In 7th grade Language Arts with Mrs. Mastny, we will be writing our district assessment and finish the week learning about and creating our own comic strips. The rubric can be found on Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Mastny's blogs.
-In 7th grade Reading, we will finish reading "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie" and write a graded journal response as the final assessment for the novel.
-In 8th grade math, we are moving on to fractions with a Quest over this on Wednesday and begin chapter 12 on Thursday.
- Finally, in 7th grade RtI Reading, we will be focusing on Finding the Main Idea and Supporting Details. We will use the articles "School Before Soccer", "Fitting In", and "A New Immigration Boom" to help us strengthen our Main Idea skills. Each of these articles are related to the general topic of Immigration (since you are currently learning about this in Social Studies :))
Enjoy your weekend! (And be sure to say thank you to your mom's on Sunday! :))
Friday, April 29, 2011
April Showers
Well, we have survived a rainy week and are looking forward to the predicted sunshine and warmer weather this weekend!
This Sunday, May 1st, is the 2011 Ride Janie Ride. I want to thank all of you for your continued support throughout this past year and I feel very blessed to be surrounded with great co-workers and students! I have included the RJR link below if any of you would like to see/get to know this years recipients. www.ridejanieride.org
Looking forward to next week in 7th grade Language Arts, we will be moving onto prepositions. During this week, we will be taking notes and practicing using prepositions. In reading, we are continuing to read chapters 15-18 in Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. Additionally, with the new AR books that we checked out this week, the May book report will be due on May 27th.
In 8th grade math, we are spending the week reviewing how to solve multi-step equations and fractions, in order to help us prepare for our transition to high school in the fall.
Finally, in 7th RTI Reading, we will be focusing on the reading skill of comparing/contrasting. We will use the "Turning Points" mini-unit in our readers to practice and apply this skill.
Have a wonderful weekend!
This Sunday, May 1st, is the 2011 Ride Janie Ride. I want to thank all of you for your continued support throughout this past year and I feel very blessed to be surrounded with great co-workers and students! I have included the RJR link below if any of you would like to see/get to know this years recipients. www.ridejanieride.org
Looking forward to next week in 7th grade Language Arts, we will be moving onto prepositions. During this week, we will be taking notes and practicing using prepositions. In reading, we are continuing to read chapters 15-18 in Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. Additionally, with the new AR books that we checked out this week, the May book report will be due on May 27th.
In 8th grade math, we are spending the week reviewing how to solve multi-step equations and fractions, in order to help us prepare for our transition to high school in the fall.
Finally, in 7th RTI Reading, we will be focusing on the reading skill of comparing/contrasting. We will use the "Turning Points" mini-unit in our readers to practice and apply this skill.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, April 15, 2011
We have another busy week coming up here at Lakeview! In Period 2 Reading, we are focusing on the reading skill of Cause and Effect. We will both outline and create our own cause and effect stories/charts throughout the week. In Period 3 Reading, we are continuing to read Taking Sides and will read through Chapters 9&10 in partners. We will also make predictions about some of the "unanswered questions" we have in come across in our novel so far. In 7th grade Language Arts, we are shifting the focus in our career unit from research to writing our outlines. We will have all week to write our rough drafts, edit, and type the outlines. In 7th grade reading, we will read Chapters 11&12 in Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie and journal about the stages of grief each character is now in. In 8th grade math, we are continuing to work through chapter 10 and will learn about the surface area of prisms, pyramids, and cones. There will be a quiz over this new material on Thursday. Finally, in 7th Period RtI Reading, we are focusing on Problem and Solution. The stories we will read and analyze this week are "Under Pressure", "The Secrets of Self-Esteem", "Tragic Death on a Train", and " The Power of Peer Pressure." Reminder: Assembly Tuesday = shortened class periods Thursday- 11:35am Dismissal Have a great weekend!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Week of April 11-15th
In Period 2 Reading this week, we will continue to focus on sequencing and complete several activities, including creating sequencing storyboards and comprehension worksheets, to practice this skill. In Period 3 Reading, we are continuing to read Taking Sides and will have our first quiz on Chapter 1-8 on Friday. We will review Wednesday and Thursday. In 7th Grade Language Arts, we will continue to be in the IMC researching our careers. Daily checks will be done to monitor each student's progress with research and notecards. In Reading, we will read Chapters 8-10 in Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie and have a book report work day on Friday. Just a reminder that all book reports are due on April 21st! In 8th grade math, students will have the beginning of the week to finish working on their House Design project. An extra credit opportunity will be given on Monday for this, as well. The remainder of the week, we will continue to work on chapter 10 with area of circles, three dimensional figures, and cylinders. Finally, in 7th period RtI, we will be reading the story, Come Home Louisa, which focuses on a young girl who runs away from home and her journey back. Our focus skill is pulling out the elements of the story. For additional information about 7th grade LA/Reading, please see Mrs. Mastny's blog! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Spring Fever
As we take a short break and enjoy a week off of school , let's reflect on what we will begin learning when we return.
In our 2nd period reading class, we will be focusing on sequencing. We will complete several activities assessing our ability to sequence story events and, at the end of the week, create our own sequences for our classmates to follow!
In 3rd period reading, we will continue to read and discuss the novel, Taking Sides. We will complete a sequencing activity on Monday to refresh our memory about the important events in the story, so far. We will then continue reading the remainder of the week. Our first quiz will be a week from Friday on Chapter 1-8 (including vocabulary).
In 7th grade Language Arts, we are beginning our Career Unit! Monday, students will be taking a survey that will highlight possible career choices for them. From this we will spend the next three weeks researching our career, creating notecards, making an outline, creating a bibliography, making a visual, and preparing our speeches. More information will follow.
In 7th grade Reading, we will continue to read Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. Our first quiz (on Chapters 1-7) will be on Thursday. Please remember to read your silent reading books at least 20 minutes each day over Spring Break so that you are ready to begin working on your book report the week we return, as well!
For additional information about 7th Grade Reading/Language Arts and 8th grade math, please see Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Mastny's blogs!
Have a nice and relaxing Spring Break!
In our 2nd period reading class, we will be focusing on sequencing. We will complete several activities assessing our ability to sequence story events and, at the end of the week, create our own sequences for our classmates to follow!
In 3rd period reading, we will continue to read and discuss the novel, Taking Sides. We will complete a sequencing activity on Monday to refresh our memory about the important events in the story, so far. We will then continue reading the remainder of the week. Our first quiz will be a week from Friday on Chapter 1-8 (including vocabulary).
In 7th grade Language Arts, we are beginning our Career Unit! Monday, students will be taking a survey that will highlight possible career choices for them. From this we will spend the next three weeks researching our career, creating notecards, making an outline, creating a bibliography, making a visual, and preparing our speeches. More information will follow.
In 7th grade Reading, we will continue to read Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. Our first quiz (on Chapters 1-7) will be on Thursday. Please remember to read your silent reading books at least 20 minutes each day over Spring Break so that you are ready to begin working on your book report the week we return, as well!
For additional information about 7th Grade Reading/Language Arts and 8th grade math, please see Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Mastny's blogs!
Have a nice and relaxing Spring Break!
Friday, March 11, 2011
I hope that everyone had a great week!
In 2nd period reading, beginning on Monday, we will be focusing on the skill of inferencing. Throughout the week, we will read various passages and complete activities that help us to strength our ability to make inferences when reading.
In 3rd period reading, we will continue reading our new novel, Taking Sides. Our focus will be on vocabulary and using context clues, comparing/contrasting the Mission District and Sycamore, and completing our Reading Logs.
In 7th period RtI, we are going to continue making connections with the texts we read throughout the week. Our stories will include The Story or Mzee and Owen and Gulliver's Travels.
For more information about 7th grade Language Arts/Reading and 8th grade math, please see Mrs. Mastny's and Mrs. Myers's blogs.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!
In 2nd period reading, beginning on Monday, we will be focusing on the skill of inferencing. Throughout the week, we will read various passages and complete activities that help us to strength our ability to make inferences when reading.
In 3rd period reading, we will continue reading our new novel, Taking Sides. Our focus will be on vocabulary and using context clues, comparing/contrasting the Mission District and Sycamore, and completing our Reading Logs.
In 7th period RtI, we are going to continue making connections with the texts we read throughout the week. Our stories will include The Story or Mzee and Owen and Gulliver's Travels.
For more information about 7th grade Language Arts/Reading and 8th grade math, please see Mrs. Mastny's and Mrs. Myers's blogs.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
March Madness :)
Well...we have all made it through another year of ISATs! Students, you should all be proud of your accomplishments and the hard work that you have put in over the first two trimesters!
Looking ahead to next week, we are going to begin our next novel in 3rd period Reading, Taking Sides. We will explore our background knowledge and introduce new vocabulary on Tuesday and Wednesday and, finally, begin reading Thursday and Friday.
In 2nd period reading, we are going to discover our "Multiple Intelligences" and discuss how these affect our learning. We will end the week reading a story from our reading series, titled"Westwood."
If you need any additional information about 7th grade Language Arts/Reading or 8th grade Math, please see Mrs. Mastny/Froats and Mrs. Myers blogs.
Enjoy your four day weekend!
Looking ahead to next week, we are going to begin our next novel in 3rd period Reading, Taking Sides. We will explore our background knowledge and introduce new vocabulary on Tuesday and Wednesday and, finally, begin reading Thursday and Friday.
In 2nd period reading, we are going to discover our "Multiple Intelligences" and discuss how these affect our learning. We will end the week reading a story from our reading series, titled"Westwood."
If you need any additional information about 7th grade Language Arts/Reading or 8th grade Math, please see Mrs. Mastny/Froats and Mrs. Myers blogs.
Enjoy your four day weekend!
Monday, February 28, 2011
As we enter into ISAT week, be sure to take a deep breath each morning and remind yourself of all the hard work and effort that you have already put forth! You should all be very proud of how much you have learned so far this year!
With the added change of entering into a new trimester, as well, we all have the opportunity to start today with all "A's"! So lets remember to always put forth our best effort and ask for help when we have questions!
Here is this week's schedule:
*In Reading this week, we are reminding ourselves about why we loved to read as children and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. All of our class activities will relate to his books.
*In our new extra Reading period, we will be completing comprehension/writing activies based on the articles in this months Action Magazine.
*In RtI Reading, we will be reading the Reader's Theater play for The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and writing our own "true" version of a fairy tale.
Please see Mrs. Mastny and Mrs. Myer's blog for any additional information for 7th grade LA/Reading and 8th grade math!
Have a great week!
With the added change of entering into a new trimester, as well, we all have the opportunity to start today with all "A's"! So lets remember to always put forth our best effort and ask for help when we have questions!
Here is this week's schedule:
*In Reading this week, we are reminding ourselves about why we loved to read as children and celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday. All of our class activities will relate to his books.
*In our new extra Reading period, we will be completing comprehension/writing activies based on the articles in this months Action Magazine.
*In RtI Reading, we will be reading the Reader's Theater play for The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and writing our own "true" version of a fairy tale.
Please see Mrs. Mastny and Mrs. Myer's blog for any additional information for 7th grade LA/Reading and 8th grade math!
Have a great week!
Friday, February 18, 2011
ISAT Prep!!
With ISAT testing just a week away, we are busy preparing in both math and reading. Throughout the next week, in all classes, we will be practicing test-taking strategies, reading passages with multiple choice questions, and writing extended responses. Since we have been working on developing these skills throughout the year, we should be ready to start ISATs on the 28th!
We also must remember the importance of these tests, as our result are used to show growth and progress throughout the year.
Have a wonderful weekend!
We also must remember the importance of these tests, as our result are used to show growth and progress throughout the year.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Snow Days!
I hope that you enjoyed your two snow days this week and stayed warm!
As we enter into next week, we will be finishing up much of the work that we missed Wednesday and Thursday. In Language Arts, we will begin prepositions now on Monday. In Reading, we will take our vocabulary quiz on Monday and finish reading Trouble River on Thursday. The book test will be the following week.
Enjoy your weekend!
Here is a picture of Dominic on his first snow day! :)
As we enter into next week, we will be finishing up much of the work that we missed Wednesday and Thursday. In Language Arts, we will begin prepositions now on Monday. In Reading, we will take our vocabulary quiz on Monday and finish reading Trouble River on Thursday. The book test will be the following week.
Enjoy your weekend!
Here is a picture of Dominic on his first snow day! :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Januaray 31st
As we enter into the month of February (!!!!), the end of the trimester is approaching just two short weeks away!
In Language Arts, we will be wrapping up our Conjunctions & Interjections unit with a test on Wednesday (moved from Tuesday). On Thursday, we will be starting to learn about prepositions! In Reading we will take our vocabulary quiz for Trouble River on Thursday and finish the week just a chapter away from the end of the book! Or Trouble River test will be the following week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
In Language Arts, we will be wrapping up our Conjunctions & Interjections unit with a test on Wednesday (moved from Tuesday). On Thursday, we will be starting to learn about prepositions! In Reading we will take our vocabulary quiz for Trouble River on Thursday and finish the week just a chapter away from the end of the book! Or Trouble River test will be the following week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Chilly Weather!
It is definitely a chilly ending to the week! Be sure to bundle up this weekend!
In Language Arts, we have finished writing our persuasive papers and will begin a new grammar unit on Conjunctions and Interjections next week! In Reading, we will continue to read Trouble River and complete an in class comprehension assessment on Thursday.
We had another great week in RtI Reading, too, where we read another great Reader's Theater play and have even begun to write our own! A few pictures of our week are included below!
Have a great weekend!! GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011
It has been another productive week in Room 106!
In Language Arts, we are in the middle of writing our persuasive papers. We have chosen our topics, researched, and began writing our body paragraphs throughout the week. Next week, we will write our introductions and conclusions and finalize our papers.
In Reading, we have begun our second novel of the year, "Trouble River". Since this book has a similar setting and characters to "Sign of the Beaver", which we read earlier this year, we have, and will continue to, compare and contrast the characteristics between both books.
Enjoy your 3-day weekend!
In Language Arts, we are in the middle of writing our persuasive papers. We have chosen our topics, researched, and began writing our body paragraphs throughout the week. Next week, we will write our introductions and conclusions and finalize our papers.
In Reading, we have begun our second novel of the year, "Trouble River". Since this book has a similar setting and characters to "Sign of the Beaver", which we read earlier this year, we have, and will continue to, compare and contrast the characteristics between both books.
Enjoy your 3-day weekend!
Friday, January 7, 2011
January News
I hope that everyone had a safe and relaxing two week break! It's difficult to believe that we have already finished our first week back!
In Language Arts, we are beginning to write our persuasive papers. We have chosen our topics and began researching them in class. Next week, we will develop our introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The final paper will be due on Tuesday, January 18th.
In reading, we have been working on comprehension activities to prepare us for our next novel, Trouble River, which we will begin next week, too.
Have a wonderful weekend!
In Language Arts, we are beginning to write our persuasive papers. We have chosen our topics and began researching them in class. Next week, we will develop our introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The final paper will be due on Tuesday, January 18th.
In reading, we have been working on comprehension activities to prepare us for our next novel, Trouble River, which we will begin next week, too.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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