Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27th

We have already reached the final week of September! I am very pleased to see how much progress each student has made in this first month of school!

In math, we are continuing to work with decimals. On Monday, we will learn how to add/subtract with borrowing and, by the end of the week we will be multipling and dividing decimals, as well. Friday, we will once again work on "Our Price Is Right" unit and pay our first set of utility bills!

In RtI reading we will review for our short story unit test, which is on Wednesday, and begin to read the folktale, Rachel the Clever. We will focus on learning the characteristics of a folktale, making predictions, and "retelling" a story.

I am looking forward to a great week! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome fall!

It's difficult to believe that summer is officially over and fall is here! This first month of school has flown by so quickly!

In math this week, we are continuing to work on rounding, ordering, adding, and subtracting decimals. On Friday, we will use these skills to continue our "Price is Right" unit and go on a "shopping spree!" :)

In RtI, we will conclude our short story unit by reading Westwoods. This humorous story is written in play form and is one of my favorite short stories! We will continue to pull out the story elements, as well as, develop vocabulary and problem/solution.

I am looking forward to a great week!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Open House

It was great to see so many parents at Open House! I always look forward to meeting everyone and discussing ways to work together to create a positive and successful school year.

Looking back on this short, but productive week, we accomplished many things in Room 106.
In math, we finished up our lessons on Variables and Expressions. We will have a short quiz on Wednesday covering this material. Next week, we will learn about Exponents, as well as, begin our unit on decimals. To supplement the decimal unit, we will continue our "Price Is Right" activities, which will involve balancing a checkbook (adding and subtracting decimals).

In RtI this week, we continued to work on pulling out the parts of a short story and monitoring our own reading, using "Challenge" by Gary Soto. We also devoted a class period to creative writing, in which we used pictures as inspirations for our stories. Looking forward to next week, we will read the short story, "Raymond's Run" and focus on the main idea and its correlating details.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2!

It was another great week full of hardworking students and staff! In math, we finished up our lessons on Order of Operations and took our first quiz this morning. Next week, we will begin discussing Variables and Expressions, as well as, dive further into our "Price is Right" unit.

In RtI this week, we continued to work on pulling out the parts of a short story and analyzing our characters and plot, using the story LAFFF by Lesney Namioka. We also discussed points of view and presented descriptive commericals about Rice Krispy Treats based on our target audiences! It was a lot of fun! Looking forward to next week, we will be focusing on the parts of a short story and how to monitor your own reading, using the story Challenge by Gary Soto.

Have a great extended weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone at Open House next Thursday!