Friday, November 20, 2009

New Beginnings

As we bring the 1st trimester to a close, I look back and see many positive academic experiences and gains for many students! It is great to see the growth that has occured since August! In the same breath, its difficult to believe that the holidays are beginning already!

During our short Thanksgiving week, we will be reading a Readers Theater play in RtI Reading titled "Confection Perfection." We will be incorporating the multiple intelligences and applying our reading strategies into this play. The following week, we will be further exploring Editorials, which we will begin reading/writing in language arts.

In math, we will continue to practice solving one-step equations. Following Thanksgiving break, we will begin exploring two step equations!

Have a wonderful break!

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13th

It was a great week in math and RtI Reading!

In math, we began learning how to solve one step algebraic equations using addition and subtraction. We will have a quick review and quiz on Tuesday and then begin one step equations with multiplication and division!

In RtI Reading we will begin to review for our Cay test on Friday. Be sure to study your vocab over the weekend! We will also be exploring the reading strategy of cause/effect, both in our own writing and through our reading text!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of 11/2

It was great to see so many parents at conferences on Thursday! It's hard to believe that November is already here!

In RtI Reading, we are working in groups to finish creating our story summary wheels for the story, Two Left Hands, Two Left Feet, and Two Left on the Bench. We will continue the week by developing the persuasive essays that we are beginning in Language Arts.

In math, we are finishing up our money unit by discussing sales tax. We are learning how to caluculate it when purchasing an item and figuring out our total bill including the tax.

Have a great week!