Friday, August 31, 2012

September 3rd-7th

We have survived the first week back at school!!

As we move into week two, we will be starting more of the regular academic routines.  Here is a brief look at the week ahead.

*Language Arts: This week, we will be continuing our focus on nouns.  We will be learning about common/proper nouns and singular/plural nouns.  There will be a test over all nouns on Wednesday, September 12th.  Students will also receive the first spelling list of the year!

*Reading: Our Readers Theater play this week is titled "The Pledge of Allegiance" and directly relates to our Social Studies unit.  Students have already received their scripts and part assignments but are not expected to rehearse over the weekend.

*Math: Our main focus this week in math will be spending vs. saving money and discussing how the price of items are determined.  We will create a class store and price each item using the conclusions we reached in our discussions.

*Social Studies: On Tuesday, students will be introduced to our current event assignment, which students will begin completing on a weekly basis.  I will provide a list of recommended websites/sources to aid students in locating articles to use.  We also will make vocabulary flashcards for the first part of our government unit and take a "virtual fieldtrip" to Washington D.C.

*No School on Monday, September 4th- Labor Day
*Our class MAP testing will be Wednesday and Thursday morning.

Have a wonderful 3-day weekend!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome 2012-2013 School Year

Welcome to Lakeview!

It was so wonderful to see everyone at Open House this afternoon!

I have attached a copy of my parent letter to my blog. I will both be sending this home on Monday and reviewing it in detail at Open House on August 30th. There have been some changes made to the curriculum this year to allow students to participate in both an academic and functional curriculum.

I am looking forward to working with everyone this year!