Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome Back! 2014-2015

I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer!  It was definitely a busy summer in the Nino household!
There are many exciting changes ahead for this school year!  All 7th graders will be receiving ChromeBooks to use at both home and school and it will be a wonderful opportunity to incorporate more technology into all lessons and assignments.  We will also be using Google Classroom on a weekly basis to update students and post assignments online.  This will allow for students to access assignments, rubrics, etc. from anywhere and download assignments again if they are needed  More details will follow this week, as well as, at curriculum night.

I will continue to post weekly blogs to update everyone on what is occurring in each class.

I am happy to be working with all students and parents again this year and can't wait to see what this year holds.